
Sunday, January 10, 2010


This may seem off topic, but as the news popped up on my mac,
I couldn't help but notice that tomorrow will be 43 degree's and we have hit code red with our fire ban's.
Tomorrow will be windy as well which is the worst thing for a fire.
What we saw in February Last Year was to close to notice. The worst bush fires Victoria has ever had, but knowing nature, it always has to be beaten one day. My family owns a farm in Gippsland Victoria and luckily enough the bush fire's came close but burnt around the outer areas of where our farm is located. My Dad lives' at his Farm mostly full time, and didn't see it coming, I hope he is ready for any bush fires as they seem to be like a wave of destruction. I couldn't imagine losing someone in those fire, like so many did last summer. Let's just hope everyone is alright and no one starts the fire as it was started manually by a criminal last year.
We should all be prepared for the worst though.
Link To The Recent Article I Read.

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