
Sunday, December 27, 2009


Are We Better Off Now?
In the year 2010 what can we expect?
Hover Machines, No!. Winter Olympics.Yes!
I was watching Back To The Future Part II the other day and it made me laugh.
Because they went into the future to the year 2015 and no way will it really look like 2015 in the film, as it will in real life.
I mean i wish they did have a hoverboards and Weird Scientific Machines that make life easy.
But No Biff as well as he is fictional.(but who needs biff)
Another thing that made me laugh is the fashion in back to the future.
They are still wearing 1980's clothes but in the 2015.
Fashion changes every year that's all.
Indie-Emo-Core-Goth-CoreGoth-Core Emo.-Punk-Teenys-Boppers-90's Rock.Goes On. And On And On.
My Favourite Style would have to be the 90's Rock Era.
Back then no one cared about the big daily headlines or whats happening to us that is depressing.
It just seemed to be more about eachother.
I wish I got to experience all of the 90's But for me it was only 92 and onwards.
Anyway Long Live The 90's.
Have Fun In The 10's.:D

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