
Sunday, July 4, 2010


Ow. It's been a while since i've posted anything but i have been busy i guess and taking a lot of photos and filming. It's all going well and is very exciting and i'm looking forward to the end of VCE and i guess the start of my life in a way, or another door that opens. I am also getting something very awesome at the end of the year which is a new DSLR, a Canon 5D Mark 2:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I'm Very Excited and this device will help me in both film and photography so it's is perfect. I will be following a lot of bands next year as i want to jump in to Music Photography more and Portrait Photos still, Lighting Equipment and back drops will be my second saving for next year. I'm very excited and it's looking positive.
Always be sure to check out my flickr, it's regularly update and so is my face-book page.
both links are here:)